Any catholics here? Confession in the box, then discussed by all the priests, advice from the pope, follow up my different priests?
And they never involve a grandmother,
mchenry county, woodstock, il .
northwest herald, shaw local news.
breaking news - read below full article - (article was blocked unless the reader has a subscription.
Any catholics here? Confession in the box, then discussed by all the priests, advice from the pope, follow up my different priests?
And they never involve a grandmother,
what “the abomination that causes desolation” mentioned in mathew 24:15 means could be understood only by close followers of jesus because it was part of his personal discussion with them.
by stopping to greet those whom they consider as “their enemies” jws are identifying themselves as “pagans,” according to jesus.
(mathew 5:43-48) thus they cannot correctly understand what the abomination that causes desolation” that would appear as part of signs of “last days.”.
Your question is too specific. Try: "isn't JW teaching wrong?".
genesis 5.
5 so all the days of adam that he lived amounted to nine hundred and thirty years and he died.
8 so all the days of seth amounted to nine hundred and twelve years and he died.
The copyrighted words: likely, apparently, probably.....
Months dont work for lifespan as they would be begatting before puberty. Tall tales?
so reading that the dubs are going back to their kingdumb halls got me thinking, i guess they haven’t been getting their regular inspections from thier circuit overseers.
if they haven’t had their meetings, the inspectors couldn’t visit - or did they?
i’m intrigued.
Ours was doing the zoom. Staying in. Instructions to not say hi if perchance you saw him out. Isolation!
yep, the vacation is over, it's time to go to work------for free!
I sense panic. Not the carefully crafted actions like usual. Despite not monitoring this or other sites the tea leaves showed too much complacency and laxity. And probably a decline in donations. Can unused property be claimed as a charity? Get back in control and ramp up the coercion.
Anyone on JWTalk? I looked at reddit but am not a member nor want to be. This place does fine for me.
yep, the vacation is over, it's time to go to work------for free!
Locally supposed to start back April 3, last word. Nobody in my limited circle is in on the elders thinking or meetings.
As a practical matter everything else locally is normal. Churches in session, restuarants open, door salesmen coming by. There is no reason to not resume the treadmill.
I still have heard only one person who is thrilled to go back. A delay will cause more anguish
There was the instructions released on how to.
The odd thing is the providers of latte didn't get a heads up. Usually we can read the announcements complete with the secret stuff before the elders.
there’s no proof that prayers have any effect whatsoever, other than perhaps giving the person who prays a false sense of having done something.
all claims that prayers have been answered are either anecdotal, fraudulent, delusional or are the result of either pure coincidence or confirmation bias.. how many prayers do you need in a day?.
you get up and eat pray for another day of life.
Recently a acquaintance said jehovah provided. A newer car for their disfellowshipped daughter who is still engaging in immoral conduct. Maybe it was actually their inherited money.
yep, the vacation is over, it's time to go to work------for free!
St. George
You and could get together for an ale and have have good laughs. Too far though.
Vacation property bought on pioneer wages.? I have a tent and caravan in the garden (trying out my English words)--in the 50s we really did do that for conventions with one bathroom, 3 or 4 families. Maybe out a few in the gaelic pidgin language translating home.😗
The repair and safety concerns are unhappily a comment on the state of the brotherhood.
yep, the vacation is over, it's time to go to work------for free!
I would put it at new york city centric. Every directive followed the misinformation from that area. It never fit the situations in the rest of the USA.
Rumor mill has one congregation going hybrid, heated elders meetings in shared halls over who gets stuck with afternoon. Interesting that a hall across town has the "original" congregation cherry picking times and letting the others take the leftovers. Fallout from selling off and reassignment to an already crowded hall. Glad to not be over there, their elders make my bunch of idiots look good.
If they go back to the phone patch at least it is portable so I can wander as I pursue my hobbies to stay awake. I have to listen to take care of my pimi wife.
for all the conspiracy theorists out there.... is klaus schwab the most dangerous man in the world?.
Bump. JP is one of my favorites.